Why I started
I’ve never really had a hobby until I started getting into drones. It sparked an creative side in me that long laid dormant. At first I was doing it for fun, I was just messing around with photos and filters and saw how nicely you can show the “mood” of the shot. I started posting them on Facebook and Instagram and received some great feedback on them. I never really thought of taking it seriously but as time went on and I’ve taken my drones all over my travels, it showed me different views of the places I was visiting, it gave me another perspective on how beautiful landscapes are around the country. My goal is to visit as many intriguing places that I can and post it here for posterity and share some of these experiences with my friends and family. I figured it’s an open canvas to share my thoughts and experiences for those who want to take a look. I’m not entirely sure on how this site would evolved but I do know I want to share my photos, thoughts, and experiences here.